We're Giving Discount Vouchers!

Subnet Services is starting the year by giving out Discount Vouchers on Certification Renewal for every Fiber Optics training course booked from February to March 2018! Plan your trainings, reserve your slots, or confirm your bookings now.

Booking Period to Qualify
February to March 2018
Training Period
February to December 2018

Why Take Fiber Optics?

Fiber Optics Cable demand continues to grow, locally and globally.

Fiber Optics Technicians consequently grows in demand worldwide.

Higher average annual payscale for Fiber Optic Technicians.

Why SubNet Services?

We are the only FOA-accredited training school in Manila.

We serve internationally-recognized Fiber Optics certification.

We run highly practical training with Top Fiber Optics Instructors.

We offer local and global work opportunity with affiliate partners and clients.